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Este tema de discusión ha sido creado automáticamente para la petición POR QUE LA UNESCO NO DECLARE LOS TOROS PATRIMONIO DE LA HUMANIDAD.
Huésped |
#23762013-04-17 11:13E' una vera vergogna che una simile crudeltà venga considerata patrimonio di un popolo!!!! |
Huésped |
#23782013-04-17 18:31La lotta e' onorevole se e' alla pari e voluta da entrzmbe le parti |
Huésped |
#23812013-04-18 01:52Dovrebbero abolire la caccia in tutto il mondo. Gli animali vanno protetti, non sfruttati per sport o uno strumento per eliminare le frustrazioni umane . Proviamo a mettere una decina di cacciatori in mezzo un campo di calcio con 2 o 3 Leoni e magari un centinaio di jene come spettatori.si divertiranno un mondo! |
Huésped |
#23822013-04-18 07:14Non è cultura e' barbarie! La cultura e' un patrimonio che si tramanda, usare uno spettacolo violento per dileggiarsi ridendo del dolore provocato ad un essere indifeso non è un valore che si può voler trasmettere ai nostri figli |
Huésped |
#23832013-04-18 10:07like all blood sports it has lost the purpose it once had and to call it a sport is offensive. |
Huésped |
#23852013-04-19 02:52Rechazo y repudio totalmente cualquier tipo de maltrato. Acaso los animales no son seres vivos que también merecen respeto??? |
Huésped |
#23862013-04-19 04:19"Le degré de civilisation d'une nation se mesure à la façon dont elle traite les animaux" Gandhi |
Huésped |
#23872013-04-20 16:47è una vergogna uccidere e soprattutto per divertimento delle creature che hanno il diritto di vivere la propria esistenza; basta con le corride,rispetto per gli animali. |
Huésped |
#23882013-04-20 18:04people who are doing this.....don't really find peace in their life....this is not at all accepted by nature...if you want to show that you are manly and fearless....try something that does not effect anyone else rather than your own self as it is all your wish...but giving death to any beings on earth is sole responsibility of the Creator not humans who are doing for enjoyment! |
Huésped |
#23892013-04-20 18:07Please stop this cruel and unnecessary treatment of the bulls. Every living animal has a soul and feelings, they feel pain, jy, hunger etc. Won't you help stop this and make the world a better place for the animals? A society is only as healthy or as sick as they treat their animals. |
Huésped |
#23902013-04-20 18:10Niente,solo che ci siamo rotti i coglioni di vedere in giro tanta violenza gratutita.Stop! |
Huésped |
#23912013-04-20 18:54Just because some retards like the King of Spain are for torture doesn't mean I have the same interests. No a la tortura !!! |
Huésped |
#23922013-04-20 19:12Stop bull fighting i's not funny seing an animal die in that situation. .. |
Huésped |
#23932013-04-20 19:12Stop bull fighting i's not funny seing an animal die in that situation. .. |
Huésped |
#23952013-04-20 19:15 |
Huésped |
#24002013-04-20 23:26Dear Sir, Please do not use public funds to protect bullfighting. Spain seems like a wonderful place to visit. I would like to go someday to see my Spanish friends in Barcelona. Spain houses some of the most beautiful artworks in the world and has spawned some of the greatest artists and architecture the world has ever known. Spain is truly a mecca of beauty and culture except for bullfighting. When I think of the cruelty involved in bullfighting, I want to boycott any country that engages in such a barbaric, backwards practice. Bullfighting isn't even fair. The bull never has a chance. As a sport, it sucks. Bullfighting drags the lovely image of Spain down into the gore and mud. Please set an example for the world by leaving behind the ugliness and brutality of the past. Just as Rome no longer pits lions against Christians in its Coliseum, Spain should no longer pit wounded bulls against humans in its ampitheatres. Let's move into the twenty-first century, please. Kimberly Steele |
Yo apoyo al juez Eloy Velasco
Petición al Gobierno para que anule todos los tratados con el Vaticano y no celebre otros nuevos
¿Hay algo que quiera cambiar?
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