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Este tema de discusión ha sido creado automáticamente para la petición POR QUE LA UNESCO NO DECLARE LOS TOROS PATRIMONIO DE LA HUMANIDAD.
Huésped |
#2076 Re:2012-08-01 23:00Creo que te has hecho un lío. Se pide que NO declare la TAUROMAQUIA patrimonio de la UNESCO. |
Huésped |
#20782012-08-02 00:00This is disgusting and is NO sport. Just plain cruel to bulls and horses. I boycott Spain !! I will make sure nothing I buy is from Spain. Makes me sick !!!! |
Huésped |
#20812012-08-02 02:26It would be wonderful if we could stop these animals being in this barbaric way. Thank you for the effort of this group. Bless you all. |
Huésped |
#20822012-08-02 05:24please stop this horrific and disgraceful act! I will never come to your country and neither will any of my family and friends until this stops! You are a disgrace! |
Huésped |
#20842012-08-02 17:56..."patrimonio dell'inumanità" è l'unico titolo a cui può - nel nostro tempo - aspirare questa crudele e stupida pratica, retaggio del passato più buio e arretrato degli esseri viventi. |
Huésped |
#20852012-08-02 19:36By the end of this atrocity and a life sentence to oblivion of bullfighting. Por el fin de esta atrocidad y una condena perpetua al olvido de la tauromaquia. |
Huésped |
#20862012-08-03 01:45I can not understand the people who want to hurt another individ.. We do not allow murder and still yet, we do!?? |
Huésped |
#20872012-08-03 04:07No entiendo como algo tan dantesco, primitivo y retrogrado, puede ni siquiera considerarse una fiesta y mucho menos patrimonio de la humanidad. |
Huésped |
#20882012-08-03 07:13This is a disgrace, & a sick form of entertainment!! I will never agree with this so called sport!! |
Huésped |
#20892012-08-03 08:00Sick! Brutal! Not only to the Bulls but the Horses!! What is wrong with you people?!?! Please end this!! |
Huésped |
#20902012-08-03 10:43This is a disgusting testament to the evil babarbarism of man. The fact that it has been happening for centuries serves only to prove man's lack of progress and evolution. |
Huésped |
#20912012-08-03 18:04I seriously cannot imagine this barbarism still takes place, in a world that supposedly belong to the 1st world, AND they want to preserve it as a cultural heritage! I really wonder if this used to take place in Afria, Asia, or the Middle East, would it be celebrated as such?!!!! what a hypcracy! |
Huésped |
#20922012-08-03 23:36digusting latinos, only they would think this is sport. make me sick. |
Huésped |
#20952012-08-04 04:24Bull fighting is a barbaric, obscene and disgusting spectacle. This cruelty to animals has to stop. It has no place in a civilised world. |
Huésped |
#20962012-08-04 10:13Bull fighting shows Spain to be one of the most barbaric, backward, cruel countries in the world. Our family and friends will never visit such a country. |
Isabelle |
#20972012-08-04 10:16Bullfighting is animal torture! It paints Spain and its people, as being one of the most barbaric, backward, cruel countries in the world -- together with China and Korea. Really obscene! |
Huésped |
#20982012-08-05 01:04The UNESCO classification should respect basic rights and basic ethics, not all culture is a good culture. |
Huésped |
#20992012-08-05 12:50La barbarie deviendrait patrimoine universel de l'humanité ? |
Yo apoyo al juez Eloy Velasco
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